"Women in art and Jewish memory" is an association that aims to pay tribute to the artistic activity of women who died during the Shoah, through the organization of cultural events: exhibitions, conferences, movie screenings and lectures all over Israel.
It is a display of words, art pieces, colors and drawings that lived on and enable their creators to keep inspiring us with strength and elegance.
An association guided by the work of remembrance and by the necessity to pass on, notably to the young generations, the history and the talent, the testimony and the creativity of these women, whom History has not let the time to accomplish their dreams of fully becoming artist.
Reminding resistance and survival through art, mentioning the courage and the durability of a heartrending art piece, full of meaning and meaningful, through which we can learn from the past in order to better live the present and the future.
The association "Women in art and Jewish memory" is a non-lucrative organization which therefore needs your help in order to provide quality activities in middle and high schools all over Israel.
What would they have become ? What could they have created ? Would they have even met ? These questions may never be answered and that is why the project involving Charlotte Salomon, Etty Hillesum and Helen Berr was launched. The goal was to attempt to achieve what History prevented. The goal is to gather the talent, beauty and courage of the three young ladies. These women were destined to fulfill their dreams. Absolutely everything about their character blows my mind. Each of the three was unique in their own way. Helen Berr was incredibly graceful and had such a sense of freedom and integrity. Charlotte Salomon’s unbelievable creativity, as well as her weaknesses, Etty Hillesum’s deep spiritual thoughts and her writing skills could strike a chord with anyone.
All three of them are in my heart at all times. Their values have guided me and they have truly impacted my life in many aspects.
To keep talking about these three incredible women is a duty and sharing their work is a unique opportunity.
To donate :
Association Memory
Bank Hapoalim 12
Branch 640
Account n° 399944
Iban : IL79-0126-4000-0000-0399-944
Karine Baranès-Bénichou
A few words by the President